Everyone has a few items to carry with them on a regular basis, and car keys are generally one of those items. When you realize you've lost or misplaced the keys to your Nissan Titan, if might feel like the end of the world, but in reality, obtaining a replacement is fairly simple. Nissan dealerships and professional locksmiths have the capability to replace the keys to your Titan in a relatively short amount of time.
Write down the vehicle identification number (VIN) of your Nissan Titan. Find this inside the driver's door panel. It is also visible from outside the vehicle on the bottom corner of the driver's side windshield. The VIN is also located in your purchase paperwork, registration and title.
Contact your local Nissan dealership or a professional locksmith service to request a new key for your Nissan Titan.
Provide the Nissan dealer/locksmith with the Titan's VIN. If your Titan's key has a computer chip, as most late-model vehicles do, that information is relayed to your Nissan dealer or locksmith by your VIN. Wait while your key is made and pay for the services rendered.