Your Toyota 4 Runner comes standard with a system diagnostic controller that contains a datalink connector. The connector can be plugged into an OBD II code reader that will read the trouble codes that the system diagnostic controller sends out. These codes will help you pinpoint the exact trouble with the Toyota. The codes can also be reset by the OBD II reader after repairs have been performed. The reader can be purchased from any auto parts store.
Find the datalink connector under the driver's side dashboard, to the right of the steering wheel. Plug the OBD II reader into the datalink connector.
Put the key into the 4 Runner's ignition and turn it to the "On" position, but don't start the vehicle.
Select the "Read Codes" command or similar type of command. Write down the numerical codes. Look the codes up in the reader's manual for an exact description of the problem.
Unplug the OBD II reader from the datalink connector. Turn the ignition key to the "off" position. Take your Toyota to a mechanic to have repairs completed.