Clear coat is a plastic painting material used to coat surfaces to protect them and add luster to their finish. Clear coat can be applied to many materials, including fiberglass. Removing clear coat from fiberglass requires a few special materials and the right technique.
Put on a respirator. Inhaling clear coat remover can irritate the linings of the nose and throat.
Apply clear coat remover to the surface of the fiberglass with a paint brush. Clear coat remover requires time to chemically react with and dissolve the clear coat. Refer to manufacturer instructions for reaction time. During the reaction, the clear coat will bubble and pull away from the fiberglass.
Spray the clear coat remover from the surface of the fiberglass with a spray hose.
Wipe away any excess dissolved clear coat with a clean towel.
Reapply the clear coat remover, allow it to react with any remaining clear coat, and spray away the residue.
Wipe away any excess dissolved clear coat with a clean towel.