Most trunk lids differ in design from model or year. Some have taillight and license plate wiring in them and some do not. This wiring is held in place by plugs that are made to detach. All models of trunks share similar characteristics for removing and replacing the lid. They have hydraulic struts and a four-bolt system. By unhooking the struts, removing the hinge bolts and wiring plugs, any trunk lid can be lifted off in a few minutes.
Open the trunk as far as it will go. Using the 10mm wrench if it is metric or the 1/2 inch wrench if it is standard, remove one bolt from each of the black hydraulic cylinders on top where the cylinders are bolted to the trunk lid.
Remove the bolts from the bottom of the hydraulic cylinders where the cylinders are bolted to the car frame using the same wrench you used on the upper bolt.
Nudge the cylinders with the palm of your hand to pop them free from the upper and lower mounting retainers.
Trace any wires that are running up from the car body to the trunk lid. Locate where the wires are plugged in and gently pull the wire plugs out. There may be a single plug harness that unplugs all the wires at once; unplug that if possible. Let the wires dangle inside the trunk.
Remove two bolts with the 1/2 inch or 10mm deep socket and ratchet on each side of the trunk lid hinge while an assistant holds one side of the trunk. Hold onto the trunk lid with one hand while removing the last bolt.
Carefully lift the trunk lid away from the car.