The frame of your car requires repair and maintenance just the same as the more visually obvious aspects of your vehicle. It could save you a visit to a garage, and a fair amount of cash, if you are able to prepare and then paint the frame of your vehicle to keep it looking clean and new when it inevitably starts to look tired.
Set out a tarpaulin, or generally work in a clear area, which you don't mind getting messy. Preparing, and then painting, the frame of a car can be a messy job, and you should work in an appropriate area.
Wash the car frame thoroughly to begin the preparation process. Simply use a sponge and warm, soapy water, the way you would when you normally wash a car--but ensure you are washing thoroughly, and removing any traces of dirt or dust that could impede further cleaning or sanding.
Get rid of any existing traces of work that has been done to the car, such as wax or gloss. Use a commercial wax stripper, as instructed by the particular brand of stripper, to remove any layers or wax present on the body.
Use sandpaper to grind down any imperfections that may be present in the body frame. Use a fairly rough sandpaper, such as 250-grit, as a strong sandpaper is required to get rid of any bumps on something as strong as a car frame.
Purchase spray paint for use on car frames. There will be a myriad of choice at your car supply store. Be sure to buy a color to use as your base, and then buy any colors that you wish to use to paint the frame.
Spray the base coat onto the car frame. This will provide the frame with a strong primer, which allows the other coats to bond and show up more effectively. Allow the first coat to dry.
Spray the frame with your desired colors. It may require two of three coats before you manage to attain a strong, even coat on the frame--once you manage to get that you should leave the frame to dry and cure for up to an hour.
Apply paint sealant to the body frame. Again, this is a product widely available at most car supply stores, and it will protect your newly applied coat of paint on your body frame against the wears and tears of everyday use.