The Saturn Sky is a small convertible, built for excellent handling and performance driving. Somewhere in the design process, the decision was made to mount the battery low in the front fender, requiring you to remove the entire fender to get at the battery. This isn't technically difficult, but it is time consuming, and can take over an hour to do correctly.
Open the hood. Remove the driver's side fender from the car using the 3/8-inch ratchet, extension and socket set. There is one bolt in the door jam, three across the top of the fender in the engine bay, and the others across the fender lip and inside the fenderwell. These are all accessible without taking off the wheel. Lift the fender off of the car and set it carefully down somewhere it won't get damaged.
Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery with an open-end wrench, then disconnect the positive. Unbolt the battery from the tie down using the ratchet, then lift it through the fenderwell. You may have to turn the wheel to get the battery out all the way.
Slide the replacement battery into the battery tray and bolt it down with the ratchet. Reinstall the battery terminals, connecting the positive first then the negative.
Reattach the fender on the car, using the stock hardware and the 3/8-inch ratchet, extension and socket.