How to Make a Honda Moped Go Faster

How to Make a Honda Moped Go Faster

Honda mopeds are known for their fuel efficiency, portability and toughness. Unfortunately, due to the fact that many Honda mopeds hold a small, 49cc engine, they often cannot exceed 30 mph. This is fantastic for in-town activities, but when you need to go 40 mph or faster, a Honda just can't do it. Luckily, with a little bit of adjustment to the air intake, engine and carburetor, you can make your little Honda moped pretty fast.

Things You'll Need

  • Wrench
  • Air intake
  • Exhaust pipe
  • Screwdriver
  • Towel
  • Premium gas
  • Build kit (optional)
  • Purchase premium high-octane gasoline instead of the regular kind. This boosts the engine's power and makes it run quite a bit smoother.

  • Replace the air-intake valve in your moped's engine. The more air your engine can get, the better. Get the biggest valve you can purchase for your moped. You can replace this using a wrench and screwdriver, as the valve is usually directly in front of the engine.

  • Adding a new exhaust pipe can greatly increase your speed and reduce your engine's noise. Purchase the biggest possible exhaust system for your moped. These are available on Honda's website.

  • If you really want to go faster, purchase a build kit for your specific moped. This kit will include a bigger piston head and a new set of cylinder parts. The kit will require a complete disassembly of your engine, so be sure to purchase a build kit made for your moped.