The 2004 Hyundai uses a serpentine belt to drive auxiliary equipment in the vehicle such as power steering, air conditioning and the alternator. When this belt breaks, the vehicle is not going anywhere. A quick inspection at every oil change can indicate when to change the belt before it breaks. Replace the belt with just a bit of time and some basic hand tools to keep the vehicle on the road.
Remove the engine cover using a socket wrench and then set aside. Make note of the belt routing. Check for a belt diagram routing sticker within the engine compartment or the owner's manual. If no diagram exists, draw your own detailed diagram before you remove the belt.
Insert the serpentine belt tool into the square hole of the tensioner pulley. Standing in front of the engine compartment, grab the handle of the tool and push or pull as required, releasing tension from the tensioner pulley. While holding the tension off the belt, grasp the serpentine belt and remove it from one pulley. Then release the tension from the tensioner pulley.
Grab the loose serpentine belt from around other pulleys and remove it from engine compartment.
Compare the new belt length against the old belt. The new belt should not be longer. It may be slightly shorter as the old belt has stretched over time.
Install the new belt following belt diagram. Starting with the lowest pulley, route the belt up and around the pulleys until the belt slack is gone. Grab the serpentine belt tool and push or pull as required to release tension from the tensioner pulley. Then finish routing the belt around the remaining pulleys.
Check for proper installation of the serpentine belt. Verify the routing of the belt against the routing diagram. Remove the serpentine belt tool. Verify the belt lays centered on each pulley. Check for belt tension by grabbing and pulling on the belt between two pulleys.
Perform operational test. Reinstall the engine cover and start the engine. Listen for abnormal sounds or vibrations.