It is important that you have your automobile checked regularly to keep it safe and optimize its performance. Certain parts of your car will need to be tended to more frequently based on the number of miles that you drive.
Your oil and oil filter need to be changed regularly to keep your car running smoothly. Wayne's Garage website recommends that you change your oil every 3,000 miles.
It is important to keep your brakes in working order. Wayne's Garage recommends that you have your brakes checked every 15,000 to 20,000 miles or every year.
Every now and then, your car will need to have a check-up. This will allow your entire car to be inspected for any problems. A major tune-up is recommended every 30,000 to 60,000 miles.
Your transmission also needs to be serviced routinely. It is recommended that you have your transmission served every 50,000 miles. Some new cars will last 60,000 to 90,000 miles before they should be inspected.
You also need to have your coolant changed every 50,000 miles or every two years. Cars that use long-life coolant can go about four years before the coolant needs to be changed.