How Can I Redo My Car Seats?

How Can I Redo My Car Seats?

Redoing leather car seats are a good way to add resale value to the car and make the car's interior generally look nicer. While you can take the car to a professional to have them reupholster the seats for a price, you can usually reinvigorate your own leather car seats with your own cheap cleaning and upholstery supplies.

Clean the Seats

  • Before doing anything that will repair the leather and reinvigorate it, make sure you clean the leather seats with a liquid soap which can wipe away dirt that may have attached itself to the surface of the leather. Vacuum up any larger pieces of dirt that may have become imbedded in the grooves or creases of the seat itself. Before adding any other oil which will revive the leather, make sure all of the water and soap has been wiped from the seats, by using a clean rag or a hair dryer so that is totally dry.

Conditioning Leather

  • By adding a leather conditioner to the old, slightly weathered and thirsty leather seats in your car, you can quickly revive the new look and life of your leather interior. Most of these come in creams and oils and are purchased at your local auto parts or hardware store. Add these conditioners in a number of coats, depending on how long it has been since the leather seats were last cleaned and conditioned. For thirstier amounts of leather which hasn't been treated in a while, add a second or even third coat. Wait for the conditioner to soak into the leather before you buff it out, add another coat or sit on it.

Replacing Leather

  • If the leather is cracked or chaffed, cleaning and conditioning will do nothing to repair this, as the leather won't grow back together. This means you will need to go to a salvaged leather chair store if you don't want to take it to a professional leather auto upholster and feel comfortable doing the job yourself. However, these leather upholsters are few and far between, so typically new leather car seat covers are shipped in from out of state or sometimes out of the country. But if you believe you can redo the new leather car seats yourself, this will be the much cheaper way to do it.