When your vehicle misfires or begins to choke and sputter, you may have just pumped some bad gasoline into your car. Bad gasoline can be bought anywhere in the world; most people pay and pump without they may have tainted fuel until it's too late. Knowing a few simple methods for getting rid of bad gasoline can save you an expensive trip to the repair shop.
Figure out which gas station you purchased fuel at last. The service station may have been experiencing a problem with its fuel supply or the filtration system for the fuel itself. It's best to check with the fuel source first before trying to remedy bad gasoline on your own. If you know for certain that you've bought gas at a cheap alternative gas station, then try to speak with the company representative for compensation and to possibly correct the problem for future customers.
If you suspect a possible problem with your fuel, try using a can of octane boost, typically sold at most auto parts stores. Add 7 oz. of octane boost to about 10 gallons of gasoline and you should notice immediate results during an initial test drive.
Try adding a few ounces of Xylol Xylene paint thinner as a home remedy for your fuel problem. Xylene boosts performance and acts as a fuel cleaner when used properly. Use at least 3 oz. of Xylene per 10 gallons of gasoline for best results.
If you suspect that your engine is not working properly, take it to an auto mechanic and ask to have a fuel sample analyzed. The sample will show what percentage of oil, ethanol and other liquids may be present in your gas tank and what steps need to be taken to correct the problem. Dirt, water and debris may have bypassed the service station's fuel filtration system and ended up in your gas tank