A rusty exhaust is not only unattractive, but can also lead to holes in the system. Prevention means getting off any rust that appears when it happens. This project should take about 30 minutes.
Lift the vehicle in the air using the jack and secure the vehicle on jack stands. Make sure the vehicle is secure before crawling underneath it.
Locate the rusted area. This may be the entire exhaust, so start at the front of the vehicle and work your way backward.
Scrape the rust off of the exhaust using the wire brush. Remove as much rust scale on the exhaust as possible.
Spray the exhaust with a high-temperature heat paint such as VHT's Flameproof coating listed in the references, once all of the rust is gone. If there is still some rust, skip this step and move on to step 5.
Spray the exhaust with a rust converter spray such as VHT's Rust Converter spray. This will stop any rust from getting worse.