Cold weather can cause problems in your car that may not be visible until it's too late and your car won't run. Low temperatures can slowly cause problems in everything from tires to fuel lines and ultimately lead to a dead battery or engine. Most problems in cars during cold weather take time to happen, so proper maintenance is the best prevention.
A car battery becomes weakened in cold weather because it's powering more components than during other seasons. Additional headlight time and running the heater, which takes more power than an air conditioning.
Fuel lines run the risk of freezing in the winter because condensation can form on the inside of your gas tank if it gets low on fuel. Therefore, when temperatures drop, the condensation freezes and prevents fuel from reaching the engine.
Freezing temperatures cause windshield wipers to freeze to the windshield or become cracked, making it dangerous to drive in snowy conditions since snow can accumulate and obstruct the driver's view.
Cold weather can cause tires to lose pressure, which can cause them to become bald and make driving on icy or snow roads more difficult.
Alternator belts can become cracked in cold temperatures, making it harder for the belt to bring power from the gas engine to the electrical battery which can prevent your car from starting.