One alignment problem that can happen with passenger vehicles is an incorrect thrust angle of the rear tires. This often comes as a result of an accident or other impact that bends the rear axle.
The thrust angle of a car reflects the angle of its rear tires in relation to its center line. A thrust angle alignment corrects the problem by realigning the rear axle to be perpendicular with the center line and parallel with the front axle.
A thrust angle alignment could be necessary if your steering wheel is not centered when driving straight. If a vehicle has thrust alignment issues, it can pull to one side or handle differently when turning to one side or the other.
An off-center thrust angle can lead to uneven tire wear, eventually causing flats and blowouts much earlier than normal tire wear would cause. Like with an incorrect toe setting in the front axle, rear axles that are improperly aligned by 1/16 inch can scrub 7 feet sideways for every mile of driving.