Tire rims secure the car tires to the automobile and keep them stable during travel and use. Potholes and other hazards of the road, such as stray tire treads cause rims to bend and succumb to other damage while in use. Damaged tire rims may lead to other problems with your car. Because tire rims are expensive to replace, some car owners opt to repair the rims themselves. Follow these steps to repair damaged tire rims and save money.
Pry the tire rim off the wheel using a crowbar or pry bar. This is one of the most difficult parts of repairing the tire rim, as it can be twisted on the wheel at an odd angle.
Measure the undamaged part of the wheel as a reference for repair. This allows you to determine where the tire rim is bent and by how much, giving you an idea of how much straightening is needed.
Heat the bent, damaged area of the tire with a torch flame to soften the alloy and make it more malleable during the repair process. Wear protection such as gloves and goggles to protect your hands and eyes from sparks and heat.
Pound the heated area of the tire rim against the wooden plank to straighten out and smooth the bent, damaged area of the rim.
Set the tire in a dry, preferably shaded area where it can cool for several hours.
Measure the repaired area against the previously measured and undamaged area. If the measurements are now equal, the tire rim is repaired and ready for installation.