Car alarms come installed in many new vehicles and are a popular after-market extra. If you have a Hornet car alarm installed in your vehicle that you want to remove, doing so will require finding the alarm control unit. Sometimes it's positioned conveniently under the driver's side dash panel; other times it's embedded in the driver's door panel or hidden deep inside the vehicle. Find this device, and removing your alarm will be easy.
Remove first the negative then the positive leads from your battery, using an adjustable wrench to loosen the nut clamps.
Open the fuse box door for your vehicle and, using the chart in your manual or the back of the fuse box cover, remove with a fuse holder the fuse for your Hornet car alarm.
Pull the wiring from the back of this fuse slot, and follow it to your alarm control unit, if possible.
Locate your control unit and cut all wires leading from it with your wire strippers/cutters.
Unscrew any mounting screws holding the alarm in place. Remove the unit from your vehicle.
Follow each of the wires that were cut in Step 4 to other locations in the vehicle, such as the ignition, horn, light switch or power locks, and remove the wiring from these locations, if you'd like. This is not a required step.
Replace first the positive then the negative leads to your battery. Your Hornet car alarm is removed.