The Viper has existed as one of the world's premiere and highest-selling sports cars since it was first manufactured in 1992. The automobile is known for its flashy appearance and fast driving, and many owners wish to equip this expensive vehicle with aftermarket alarms. Programming your Viper 476V alarm can be a simple process done from home without a professional or automotive expert.
To begin programming your Viper 476V security alarm remote, you should first enter your car with all of the doors and windows on your Viper locked. Make sure the trunk is closed, and sit in the driver's seat with your remote or remotes to be programmed in hand. You should then open your driver's side door and place your Viper key into the ignition and turn the key to the "On" position, which is two clicks to the right of the off position, and one click short of starting the ignition.
To begin the programming sequence, you should press and release the valet switch on your 476C remote nine times in quick succession. After the ninth time pressing the valet switch, press and hold the button and allow the alarm to beep in your car nine times. Continue holding the button and you should then press and release the lock button on every remote that you are programming, up to three remotes. Keep the valet switch held in your one hand. The buttons on the multiple remotes do not have to be pressed simultaneously, but they should be done in quick order.
Once you press the lock button on each remote, you can release the valet switch on the first remote and turn the key in your ignition two clicks back to the left, to the "Off" position. Wait for the alarm to beep an additional nine times and remove your key from the ignition. You can then press any button on your remote to test to see if the programming sequence was successful on your Viper 476V remote.