Honda Pilot DVD Player Won't Play DV-Rs

Honda Pilot DVD Player Won't Play DV-Rs

Many Honda Pilots come with the option of installing a DVD player. This allows you (or your children) to view DVDs while on the road and, hopefully, removing the constant "Are we there yet" question. However, if the Pilot DVD player is not reading DVD-R discs, you need to troubleshoot the situation to determine what exactly is causing the problem.

Things You'll Need

  • User manual
  • Check the user manual of the DVD player (the exact DVD player installed is going to vary). Make sure it lists DVD-R as a supported format.

  • Insert only a video DVD into the disc drive of the Honda Pilot.

  • Clean off the bottom of the DVD with a soft, damp cloth. If the DVD is dirty, the drive is not going to be able to read the information stored on the DVD.

  • Insert an actual movie DVD into the DVD drive, wait for the Honda Pilot to read it, then eject the DVD and insert the DVD-R. Because the entire DVD-R is rarely used, the drive may not be reading the disc from the beginning. Performing this action forces the DVD reader back to the beginning of the disk (the area closest to the center of the DVD) and ensures the DVD is read.