You can help your car earn you a few hundred extra dollars each month easily and without really doing anything. There are companies that are willing to pay you just to advertise on your vehicle, seriously! There is no need to worry because the advertisement you place on your car does no damage to your car and will come off without any issues when the time is up. The banner looks as if it is painted onto the car, but it is just a well designed vinyl wrap that easily goes on and off. You just need to know where to look and not be scammed into paying a penny to start.
Go to a legitimate website that DOES NOT charge any fees to sign up. Two that are legitimate are -
Sign up as required and then wait for them to contact you if you are chossen. They tend to choose people who are in desired high traffic location. The individual can be anywhere from a business person to a family orientated stay at home parent.
Then they will fit your car with a car wrap decal and sometimes a GPS system to track how much you drive and where you drive. The car wraps vary in size depending on the company you are advertising for.
A campaign you advertise for will usually last a few months and you are compensated up to $900 a month.
When the time is up they remove the decal and then you can resign up for a future program.