Understanding how to use and modify your Acura's navigational system is an important part of driving and getting the most out of your navigational system. In just a few simple steps using the navigational DVD and your PC, you can be on your way to a customized navigational system.
Start your Acura and turn the navigation system on. When the main screen loads, press the "MAP/GUIDE", "MENU" and "CANCEL" buttons at the same time for approximately five seconds. This will cause the Selected Diagnosis Items to come up. Press the "Version" button; it will load a file, so write down the name of that file.
Open your trunk and locate your DVD player, this is usually in a metal bracket on the top inside area of the trunk. Remove the navigation DVD-ROM. Turn the system and car off and head to your PC. Load the DVD. You will see nine .BIN files, so copy them all onto your hard drive. Pick a place to save them where you will remember to access them.
Open the DUMPNAVI file and click on browse to load the BOOTLOADER file. Go to the place you copied the files and find the one you wrote down. Click to open it, then click the browse button on the bottom to get a BITMAP file. Select the BMP file you wish to use as your background.
Click the modify button once you have selected the BOOTLOADER and BITMAP files you want to use. Copy all the .BIN files, including the one you just modified and the other eight and burn them onto a blank DVD. Go back out to your car and install the original DVD and repeat the first step, without writing any files down.
Get to the "Version" screen, then remove the original navigation DVD and replace it with the copy you made. Press the "Load Disc" button on the screen. When it's finished loading, it will have an error. Switch the discs and shut the car off. Start your car again and turn on the system. It should now display your new background and modified start-up screen.