How to Convert 20 Gauge to Inches

How to Convert 20 Gauge to Inches

The gauge of a wire is the overall thickness of the wire. The term for this is called American Wire Gauge, or AWG for short. Calculating the AWG of a wire involves a very long mathematical equation. Over the years, calculating this equation has been simplified through the Internet, so rummaging through this equation, which includes the use of pi, is no longer necessary. Now with only a few clicks of the mouse, you can get the exact diameter of the wire in inches.

  • Direct you Internet browser to

  • Click the drop box at the top of the page.

  • Select "20" from the drop box.

  • Scroll to the area that reads "American (A.W.G.) / Brown & Sharpe"

  • Read the numbers in the box below "in." This is the size of your wire in inches.