The Mach 460 amplifier was a factory option on the Ford Mustang from 1999 to 2004. Wiring the Mach 460 amplifiers to work properly with an aftermarket stereo system requires some very specific wiring procedures that are not part of a typical aftermarket stereo installation. Failing to properly wire the amplifier to the new stereo will result in the Mach 460 subwoofers being deactivated during playback.
Remove 1/4 inch of the wire shielding from each wire on both the wire harness and the aftermarket stereo with a pair of wire strippers. Use the 18-gauge slot to avoid slicing through the wire itself.
Connect each speaker wire from the wire harness with each speaker wire from the aftermarket stereo. Typically these wires are the same color on both devices, but consult the wiring guide from both the stereo and the wiring harness to make sure.
Connect all of the ground wires together so that they form a single connection. There are typically five ground wires in total, three from the harness and two from the stereo. Some stereo systems might have additional ground wires if they have special features such as GPS or DVD. Again, consult the wiring guide to determine how many ground wires each device has.
Connect the two amplifier cables from the wiring harness with the remote control cable from the aftermarket stereo.
Wrap all exposed wiring connections with electrical tape.
Install the wiring harness and aftermarket stereo in your vehicle's dashboard as per the installation instructions for the stereo system.