Mazda makes a variety of factory installed stereo systems available as options for those purchasing a Mazda 6. For those who wish to replace a malfunctioning stock stereo or owners who desire more power and capability, you can choose from scores of aftermarket head units to install into your vehicle. Remove the factory head unit and disconnect it from the Mazda's stereo wiring and antenna cable. You can have the new unit professionally installed, or you can obtain the necessary adapters and install it yourself.
Lift the Mazda's hood and use the wrench to loosen the bolt securing the negative battery cable clamp to the battery terminal. Remove the cable from the battery and set it aside. Move to the inside of the vehicle.
Twist the gear-shift knob from the shaft. Press the left side of the center console cup-holders to release the retaining clips. Remove the cup-holders and set them aside. Remove the trim panel from the gear-box by hand and set it aside.
Remove the two screws at the bottom edge of the dashboard trim panel surrounding the stereo and climate control assembly with a Phillips screwdriver.
Open the glove compartment. Press the right side of the compartment hatch to disengage the clip on the side. Allow the hatch to hang from the glove compartment. Remove the bolt from the left side of the compartment with the 10 mm socket and ratchet.
Pull the top of the stereo/climate control assembly from the dashboard. Disconnect the stereo wiring and antenna cable from the back of the stereo unit. Remove the two screws on the side of the stereo bracket with the screwdriver and slide the stereo deck from the bracket.
Slide the aftermarket stereo's installation collar into the Mazda's stereo bracket. Replace the two screws on the sides of the bracket. Slide the new stereo into the collar until it snaps into place.
Plug the Mazda's stereo wiring into the wiring harness adapter leads. Plug the adapter's wiring connectors into the outlets on the rear panel of the stereo. Plug the antenna cable lead into the FM antenna input on the back of the new stereo unit.
Insert the entire stereo/climate assembly back into the Mazda's dashboard dock. Replace the screw bolt in the side of the glove compartment. Close the glove compartment. Replace the two screws at the bottom of the stereo assembly trim panel.
Replace the trim panel around the gear box. Press the panel against the center console to snap it back in place. Return the cup-holders to the center console and press down to reengage the retaining clips. Screw on the gear-shift knob and return to the Mazda's battery.
Place the negative battery cable clamp back onto the negative battery terminal. Tighten the bolt on the clamp with the wrench. Close the hood.