The stock AM/FM stereo included in a 1993 Ford Explorer had a few different variations, with one model coming with a tape deck, and in rare situations, a CD player. But adding an aftermarket stereo with newer and more modern features such as satellite radio or iPod integration, can not only add features to your SUV, but also can potentially raise the value of the vehicle. Before you can do these modifications though, you first have to remove the stock deck.
Open the ashtray and remove it from the dashboard. Unscrew the two screws behind the ashtray using the Phillips-head screwdriver, then pull off the bezel around the radio.
Place one of the Ford radio-removal keys into the two holes on the right side of the dashboard and then do the same on the left side, until the keys click into the radio. Hold one key in each hand and pull the stereo out of the dashboard while simultaneously pushing the tools toward the door panels, away from the center of the deck.
Pull the deck all the way out of the stereo. Tilt it to the side so you can see the backside of the stereo. Remove the electrical connections on the backside by hand.