The Mazda 6 is a four-door sedan offered in a variety of trims. Depending on the trim line, a Mazda 6 can have an in-line, four-cylinder or six-cylinder engine. Due to the larger size and heavier weight, the removal of the six-cylinder is more difficult.
The Mazda 6's engine is held in place by bolts and motor mounts and is attached to the axle through the transmission. All the bolts must be removed before any engine pulling is attempted. To disconnect the engine from the transmission, the front axle of the Mazda will need to be disconnected and moved out of the way.
Before pulling the engine out of the engine bay, the wiring must be disconnected. The Mazda 6's electrical control unit (ECU) wiring is located on the passenger side and can be disconnected from central wiring by the battery. All of the car's sensors will restart and need to be reset when the ECU is plugged back in.
To pull the engine out of the engine bay, an engine lift and chains are required. The chains must be attached to the engine in a symmetrical manner to evenly distribute the load. Once attached, the lift will pull the engine out of the engine bay.