DPF stands for diesel particulate filter, and it's a feature installed on modern Ford diesel trucks to help improve emissions. If you're building a Ford diesel for performance reasons, then you may want to remove the DPF to gain a few extra horsepower. Alternatively, you may just need to remove the filter to have it replaced with a new one. In either case, removing the DPF on a Ford takes around 30 minutes to do.
Park the Ford on a level surface. Crawl under the truck and locate the DPF, which is on the passenger side of the Ford near the carrier bearing on the driveline.
Unbolt the band clamp on the rearmost section of the DPF with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.
Unbolt the forward section of the DPF from the exhaust with the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.
Slide the DPF towards the rear bumper, then drop it down from the exhaust and pull it away from under the Ford.