Despite its popularity among performance enthusiasts, the Nissan SR20DET turbo engine was never offered in any US production cars. For this reason, the SR20DET has become one of the most popular Japanese engines to import and swap into older model USDM Nissan vehicles. If your Nissan is equipped with the SR20DET, it's important to install a boost gauge to monitor the turbocharger's PSI output. This allows you to diagnose any turbo system malfunctions, as well as tune the peak boost value of your SR20DET. Installation of a boost gauge requires only a few quick wire and line splices. The boost gauge can then be mounted in a custom gauge pod, making it an attractive addition to your Nissan.
Mount the gauge pod in your Nissan's interior. Mounting locations will vary depending on design. Generally, gauge pods mount to the vehicle A-pillar or dashboard. Secure the gauge pod with the provided double-sided tape and/or Phillips-head screws.
Remove the fuse box cover, located at the left of the driver's side footwell in most older Nissans. Remove the fuse for the stock dash lighting (refer to a fuse box cover's layout diagram). Tightly wrap the boost gauge lighting wire's exposed end around the fuse terminal, then reinstall the fuse. Replace the fuse box cover.
Loosen any of the chassis screws near the fuse box. Wrap the boost gauge ground wire tightly around the neck of the screw. Retighten the screw into your vehicle's chassis, making sure it pinches the ground connection tight. Cover the connection with electrical tape.
Route the boost gauge lighting and ground wire to the gauge pod area. Install each wire on its designated terminal at the rear of the boost gauge. Place the boost gauge into the gauge pod, and secure in place by tightening the pod face.
Follow the stock wiring harness on the driver's side floor to locate the wiring grommet in the firewall. Route your boost gauge vacuum line to this grommet, and feed it into the engine bay area.
Use wire cutters to cut any of the turbo system vacuum lines reachable by the boost gauge vacuum line. Connect each side of the cut stock line to the supplied boost gauge T-fitting. Connect the boost gauge vacuum line to the remaining T-fitment. Tuck all excess lining aside, and secure with zip ties.