How to Make My Car Smell Like Racing Gas

How to Make My Car Smell Like Racing Gas

The smell of racing gas can generate a wealth of emotion. One sniff of that single-purpose fuel can breed excitement, happiness and a residual feeling of content. It's no secret that a lot of racing fans would like to feast on the aroma of this particular type of fuel within their own vehicle, but many simply have not had the guidance necessary to achieve their goal. If you are one of these people, rest assured that you can make your car smell like racing gas.

Things You'll Need

  • Octane 93 gas (premium gas)
  • High-density cloth
  • Damp cloth
  • Jerry can (gas can)
  • Drive to a gas station in your area.

  • Fill up your car with a high-octane fuel. Most gas stations in the United States supply octane 93 gas, otherwise known as premium fuel, which will be sufficient. As the fuel website Bazellracefuels suggests, the fuel used in NASCAR engines has an overall octane rating of 98. Finding a similar high-octane fuel to legally pump into a street car is extremely unlikely, so you'll have to settle for premium.

  • Use up a full tank of the premium gas. By this time, the smell of the high-octane gas should have worked its way around your car, giving it a smell of racing fuel.

  • Pour about 16 ounces of premium fuel into a jerry can or gas can.

  • Pour a small amount of fuel from the jerry can onto a high-density cloth. Dab the cloth lightly on the underside of the two front seats of the car. Then use a damp cloth to dab the same areas to remove any excess fuel. This will slightly amplify the racing gas smell of your vehicle, if you require such action. Be extremely careful, though, as the National Fire Protection Association website states, "Gasoline is highly toxic in addition to being a fire hazard." You should dab as little gasoline under the seats as possible.