A remote switch is a wired switch that can be located a specific distance away from the device it is controlling. Connecting a remote switch to a power inverter would allow you to be able to control the power inverter from a different location than the power inverter. For car installations, a good place to have the power inverter is in the trunk. Especially if you have kids. However, you do not want to have to open the trunk every time you turn the inverter on. The solution is to add a remote switch that will allow you to control the inverter from the driver's seat.
Locate the two wires feeding the inverter plug. There is usually a positive wire and a negative wire. If the plug can be opened, the splice work in step 2 can be done inside the plug to reduce external splicing. Not all plugs can be opened.
Cut the negative wire, but do not cut the positive wire. Strip 1/2 inch of insulation off the two negative wire ends. For a 6-foot remote switch, cut two 6-foot 6-inch black electrical wires. Strip 1/2 inch of insulation off all four ends.
Connect one end of the first wire to one of the two negative wire ends at the power inverter. Connect one end of the second wire to the second wire end at the power inverter. Use plastic twist caps to secure these two wire splices.
Take the remaining two ends of the two wires and connect each wire to one of the two terminals of the remote switch. This will allow the remote switch to control the power flowing to the power inverter.