Upgrading to a satellite radio in your Toyota Highlander can end up costing a good amount of money. You can lessen the economic hit by installing the radio on your own. Using your own labor to install the unit will save you any cash you would have otherwise spent on installation, and will also prevent you from wasting gas going to and from the installer's shop. Installation is a simple process that should take less than an hour.
Access the front cabin of your Toyota Highlander. You will need to find a suitable spot to install the Satellite radio receiver. Any area that is fully accessible by either the driver or the passenger is fine. You can either put the unit on your car dashboard or the windshield. If you install the receiver on your windshield make sure that you do not block the driver's side vision.
Use your step ladder to get to the roof of your Toyota Highlander. Search the roof of the vehicle to find a spot to install the antenna for your satellite radio system. The only requirements for placement are a level surface and that the spot be facing the sky. There will be a pad on the bottom of the antenna with a cover. Pull off this cover to reveal an adhesive that you must use to attach the unit to the roof of your Toyota Highlander.
Take your connector cable and connect it to the back of the satellite receiver. Pull the cord up toward the roof and use tape to connect it to the roof. Move the cord along the roof while taping in place toward the back of the vehicle. Slide the cord through the molding of the back right passenger door and up to the roof of the car. Plug the cord into the antenna.