A bug guard is a plastic airfoil that protrudes up from the front of your car hood. The bug guard forces an airstream over the windshield so that bugs cannot impact it; they just get blown over it. Painting the bug guard is a great way to accessorize your car or truck and give it a unique look. You will need to wear proper eye and mouth protection, as the spray paint used in this process can be harmful.
Lay a piece of cardboard on the ground, preferably someplace outside or with good ventilation. The cardboard piece needs to be big enough for the entire bug guard to lay on. Use several cardboard pieces if you do not have one big enough--just make sure to overlap the pieces to ensure that none of the spray paint makes it through to the surface on which you're painting the bug guard.
Put on your safety goggles and face mask. 3M sells many kinds of goggles and masks, and most hardware stores carry their own brands. Spray paint can irritate the eye and coat the lungs, so it's best to take adequate safety precautions now and avoid an ER trip. Put on a pair of latex gloves, as you will need to rotate the still-wet bug guard to ensure proper paint coverage.
Lay the bug guard on top of the cardboard; it does not matter which side is up. Remove the top of the spray-paint can and shake the can thoroughly. Hold the spray can at least two feet from your face at all times and press down on the nozzle tip to start spraying. Wave the spray-paint can back and forth over the bug guard in a steady motion until the original coloring on the guard is no longer visible.
Turn over the bug guard, being as careful as possible to avoid touching any wet paint. Repeat the spray-painting process for the unpainted side until the original coloring is no longer visible. Inspect the sides of the bug guard for any unpainted spots and touch them up with a short spray of paint. Allow the bug guard to dry for two hours before you install it on any car or truck. Take the bug guard inside if it starts to rain or the weather is damp.