How to Add Convex Mirrors to Sideview Mirrors

How to Add Convex Mirrors to Sideview Mirrors

Adding convex mirrors to your side view mirrors widens your visual range. The most popular reason for installing convex mirrors is to see around a trailer you are hauling with your car or truck. Fortunately, you do not have to change the mirror or mirror assembly. You can purchase aftermarket convex mirrors and attach them to your side view mirrors.

Things You'll Need

  • Convex mirror kit
  • Wipe the mirror lens on your car clean, using the alcohol wipe supplied with the convex mirror kit.

  • Remove the protective cover from the two-sided tape, located on the back of the convex mirror lens.

  • Place the convex mirror on the lower corner of your side mirror on your vehicle. Make sure the edge of the convex mirror does not butt against the side of the mirror lens. This could make it impossible to adjust your mirror lens, because the convex mirror will hit the side mirror housing.

  • Rotate the lens until you are able to visualize a greater area behind your vehicle.