German automaker Volkswagen has been producing vehicles with convenient features since 1937. Keyless entry systems weren't around in 1937, and Volkswagen didn't invent them. But Volkswagens of the new millennium have them, and they make locking or unlocking your VW's doors a task as simple as pressing a button on a small key fob remote. If you break a remote or otherwise have reason to possess a new one, you need just to complete a short synchronization process to program the device to your Volkswagen vehicle.
Insert one of the keys into the ignition of your Volkswagen and turn it to the "On" position, without starting the engine.
Exit the vehicle and use the second key to lock the driver's door of your Volkswagen.
Press the "Open" button on the keyless entry remote to synchronize it to the vehicle. Note that a horn will sound to confirm successful remote programming.
Press the "Open" button again to unlock the doors of your Volkswagen. Remove the first key from the ignition cylinder to complete the programming process.