Keyless entry remote systems for automobiles became popular in the United States around the mid-1990s. These devices allow owners to remotely start their engine, sound their horn, lock their doors and pop their trunk from as far as a couple hundred feet. Remote starters may be standard equipment or purchased as aftermarket options, and can be applied to almost any vehicle. The remotes that accompany them can be easily programmed onto your vehicle at home without any experience or training.
Sit in the driver's seat of your vehicle with your automobile's ignition key and your keyless remote. Make sure that all of the doors and windows are closed on your automobile as well as the trunk.
Place the key into the ignition of your automobile and turn it two clicks to the right to the "On" position, which is one click short of actually starting the car.
Press and hold the "Lock" button on your keyless remote for three seconds.
Turn the key back to the "Off" position, another two clicks to the left.
Repeat Steps 2 through 4 by turning the key back "On," pressing and holding the "Lock" button then cycling the key back to the "Off" position for a total of four cycles.
Turn the key back to the "On" position after the fourth cycle and press the "Lock" button on your remote once more. The locks will now click to signify the beginning of the programming sequence.
Press the "Lock" button on your remote after the locks click and hold the button for three seconds.
Release the button, turn the ignition back to the "Off" position and remove your key. Your keyless remote will now be programmed, and you can now use your remote with your car.