When you drive around town and see all the vans on the road, they all seem to have the same dreary look. But you don't have to be like everyone else. Whether your budget is large or small, you can convert a used van to suit your own taste. Customizing your van is one way for you, your business or political candidate to stand out in a crowd and get some free publicity while you’re driving around town.
Paint the van a refreshing color, or multicolor. If you have a flower business or just like flowers, paint bouquets of them on the side panels. Consider having the van professionally painted.
Fasten sun screens onto the inside rear door windows and all side windows. Get screens that claim they block out harmful sun rays.
Put a hood ornament on the van. It’s not common to see a hood ornament on a van, so yours could stand out in a crowd. You can get one at a junkyard or attach some longhorns.
Install a hydraulic scooter lift at the rear of the van. These lifts are useful additions to transport special types of wheelchairs and their special passengers.
Add a retractable ramp for wheelchairs. The ramps can be installed at the side door or at the rear entrance of the van. Great for helping wheelchair bound individuals into the van.
Mount a bullhorn onto the van dashboard. Great for political campaigns or home-game pep rallies.
Attach preprinted photos of your political candidate. Drive around town and let the people see who’s running for office. Distribute leaflets and other campaign items along the way.
Put fluorescent tape on the front and rear bumpers. Make sure you get the type that can be seen well at night. Spell out words using the tape like “too close”, or “night rider”.
Mount a bike rack to the rear of the van. Paint bicycle parts onto the side of the van if cycling is your sport.
Go all out and build yourself some seats and foldout table for the van.