Car maintenance can be a challenge at times, because a lot of the critical parts can only be reached from underneath the vehicle. Most professional shops have some kind of lift, but for someone taking care of a car at home, the problem of getting under the car can be a serious challenge --- unless you have a set of auto ramps, which you can either purchase or make yourself.
Measure and cut the wood pieces for your ramps. You need two each of: 24-inch planks; 36-inch planks; 48-inch piece of wood; and 60-inch planks. You also need two pieces about 2-3 inches high to act as stoppers at the tip of each ramp.
Take one of the 60-inch planks and align one of the 48-inch pieces along its top edge and sides. Glue the two planks together in this position, where they will make up the base of the ramp.
Drill four pilot holes into the planks to prevent the planks from splitting when you insert the screws. Then, drive in the screws.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the 36-inch, then the 24-inch pieces of wood, and finally the stoppers (which only need two pilot holes and screws each). When complete, you will have four steps leading to the stopper for each ramp.
Leave the glue to dry overnight before using the ramps.
Cut two 2-foot sections of rail tie using a chainsaw. Mark a top edge on one of the cut ends.
Measure and mark one side 18 inches from the bottom edge, then draw a diagonal line from the mark to the bottom-most corner of the piece.
Repeat on the other piece of wood.
Cut the triangular chunks out of the wood with the chainsaw.
Cut a 2- to 3-inch piece out of the cut-offs for the stoppers.
Glue, drill and screw the stoppers to the top of the ramp, so that the car will roll up the ramp and stop at them.
Leave the glue to dry overnight.