Car wheels get dirty, smudged and scratched, but there is a way to get them looking brand new. Learn how to spray paint car wheels and get your wheels looking like new. Spray painting wheels can also give your car a new look and help it stand out by changing the color of the wheels to match the car.
Wash the wheels with car wash soap and a sponge to remove any dirt, mud or brake dust. After they dry, wipe the wheels down with paint thinner to remove any polish or Teflon coating they may have.
Sand the wheels with sandpaper to prepare the surface for primer. Use masking tape and paper to cover the tires if the wheels are still mounted to them.
Shake the can of spray primer well. Spray two or three even coats on the wheel, allowing them to dry between coats. Make sure to get between the spokes or "arms" of the wheels with the primer.
Shake the paint can well and spray three or four coats of paint on the wheels. Use thin, even coats for the best coverage without runs. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying another.
Apply two or three coats of the automotive spray clear. This protects the paint and gives the wheels a glossy look.