Perhaps you're taking weekend camping trip to the lake or the speedway and don't like sleeping in tents. Or maybe you're headed on a cross-country road trip and want to avoid hotel bills. Whatever the case may be, you may see the long back seats in your van and decide you can sleep on them just fine. If so, you can easily convert those seats into a bed. You can then park the van at the campsite or at a rest stop and go to sleep in your own private camper.
Test the length of the seats by lying flat on them. Make sure you have enough leg room and that your neck is comfortable, even without a pillow. If not, you won't sleep well on the seats and should probably forget this plan.
Find out if the seats' back supports fold forwards or backwards. This will determine how much bed space you will have. They will likely fold forwards, but if you have the option, fold them backwards.
Prop up the back supports if you folded them backwards. Make sure they won't break from lying on them very long. Use something sturdy like boxes or containers made of wood or hard plastic. Cushions, pillows and foam rubber can help only if they're tightly packed.
Extend the width of the bed. This will help if you had to fold the seat forwards and toss and turn in your sleep. Stack anything comfortable to sleep on--cushions, mattresses, pillows or foam rubber sheets--right beside the seats up to the seats' height.
Add pillows, sheets and comforter blankets to the surface to complete the bed. If the seats were folded forward, you may want a comforter or two on at first since the seats are often not cushioned and will be hard to sleep on.