If you car has been in an accident there is a cheap and easy way to make the repair and it will have your car looking almost like new. Doing your own body and fender work can save thousands of dollars in body shop labor charges, and for the most part, will give you a professional result.
Assess your car's damage. If the dent is on a piece of the body like the door, then you will either have to pull the dent out using a suction device, or dent puller, because you cannot hammer out door dents, it is too much work. It will depend on where the dent is, and how much access you have to it.
Measure how deep the dent is and decide how much leverage and hammering you will need to do to bring it back to the normal level. Or, decide if you are going to cover the entire dent with bondo or fiberglass.
Gather all the necessary tools: dent pullers, hammers, bondo and fiberglass.
To remove a door dent, extend your dent puller across the deepest part of the dent.
Twist the dent puller lever to apply the suction right to the dent. Apply glue to the suction tip if necessary, beforehand.
Let set and dry, if using glue. Then twist the dent puller until the dent pops out.
Remove the paint and rust coat from the dented area, sanding right down to bare metal.
Mix up your bondo, or cut your fiberglass strips (if using fiberglass) to the size of the dented area you want to fill. If there are several small hammer holes you need to fill, mix enough to cover the entire area in one complete swath.
Apply the bondo right to the dented area in very quick applications using a scraper or spatula. Or, layer the fiberglass strips and resin onto the body. Let dry.
Sand your bondo or fiberglass right down to the metal, so only the bondo or fiberglass fills in the holes and there is a smooth and even surface once again.
Prime and paint the area with matching paint.