When you're driving in an area that has wildlife, there's a chance that a deer could run across the road into the path of your vehicle. The collision may injure or kill the deer, wreck your car and injure or kill the driver and passengers. While it helps to drive cautiously when animals may be present, you can increase safety by mounting a deer whistle on your car. When air blows through it at 35 miles per hour or faster, the deer whistle makes a noise that alerts the animal about your approaching car. When a deer hears the whistle, it will usually freeze along the side of the road.
Locate an area on the car where there will be maximum airflow, such as in the grill or on the top or bottom of the bumper.
Soak a sponge or rag in soapy water and clean the area where you will mount the deer whistle, and then rinse it off.
Rub the wet area with a rag to dry it.
Peel off the covering of the adhesive tape that's attached to the deer whistle. Then press the whistle firmly against the bumper or grill surface to mount it, keeping the whistle horizontal.