Truck accessories made to add style and personality to your truck includes cab lights. However, installing them correctly makes the difference between adding to or taking away from the truck's décor. Regardless of the style or brand of cab lights chosen, installing them is something the do-it-yourself consumers can install successfully. If you are good with a drill and a screwdriver, then you have the necessary skills. As with any project that requires working with electrical systems, protect yourself and the system by disconnecting the power source.
Locate the screws holding the sun visors in place and back them out with a star screwdriver. Pull the visors from the roof of the cab.
Release the covers and lock mechanism of the grab handle on the passenger side of the cab. Pull the handle out until it is free. You do not have to take it out of the headliner.
Pry the driver side and passenger side pillar covers free with a straight screwdriver. The pillar cover is the piece running from the top of the dashboard to headliner.
Back out the front screw in the overhead console. There is a clamp on each side at the back, so pull down on the back to free the console from the overhead. If the vehicle has OnStar, disconnect the speaker plug and the map light. Remove the console.
Place the sidelights 4 1/8 inches back from the windshield gasket and 4 1/4 inches from the door gasket. Hold the center light the same distance from the windshield gasket and in the center of the cab. Look at the lights from the front of the truck for the correct position.
Cover the installation area with masking tape. Place the lights back in their locations and trace the screw holes onto the cab. Start with the center light to keep from reaching over the sidelights.
Drill the holes with a 7/64-inch drill bit. Insert rubber grommets in the holes to protect the wires from shorting out against the metal.
Connect the wires to the lights and feed them through the holes in the cab. Put some silicone sealer on the screws and install the lights. From inside the cab, run the driver side wires with the center and passenger side wires and feed them down the passenger side pillar to the fuse box.
Wire the fused lead to the hot wires from the lights and attach a female connector on the ground wire. Connect the power and the ground wires and test the lights. Once tested, reassemble the overhead console.