The Thule Evolution roof-top box was introduced in 2001 to allow users to expand the cargo space of their vehicles. The boxes are designed to be provide as much storage space as possible with a small aerodynamic footprint to maintain vehicle performance and mileage. The Evolution comes in three varieties for different vehicles and purposes. All the boxes feature a metallic silver finish.
The Evolution 1200 is the smallest of the three Evolution boxes. It is large enough to carry several pairs of skis or other gear. The interior of the box is 12 cubic feet. It is 87 inches long by 22 inches wide by 14.5 inches high. The box can be opened from either side but features a central locking system to make opening and closing the box easy. The 1200 is designed to be mounted to any vehicle rack system. The suggested retail for the box in 2001 was $299. As of November 2010, the 1200 is not available for purchase.
The Evolution 1600 is the mid-sized box in the Evolution series. The box is large enough to carry snowboards, golf clubs and other gear but short enough to fit on any vehicle with minimal effect on performance. The box was designed to be short enough for hatchbacks or SUVs to open their rear doors without hitting the box. The interior of the box is 16 cubic feet. It is 76.6 inches long by 31.3 inches wide by 18.3 inches tall. It features the same central locking system, double-sided opening and versatile mounting system as the Evolution 1200. The suggested retail for the box in 2001 was $359. As of November 2010, the Evolution 1600 is available online for approximately $380.
The Evolution 1700 is the largest box in the Evolution series. The Evolution 1700 can hold six to eight pairs of skis, golfing gear, snowboards or other equipment. The interior of the box is 17 cubic feet. The box is 91.5 inches long by 27.5 inches wide by 15.5 inches tall. The extra length allows space for additional gear that would otherwise have to be put in the vehicle. It has the same features as the Evolution 1200 and 1600. The suggested retail for the box in 2001 was $399. As of November 2010, the 1700 is not available for purchase.