Should I Get Paint Protection From the Dealer?

  • Should I Get Paint Protection From the Dealer?
    Decide if you should get paint protection.

Protection is Warrantied

  • Having paint-protection applied creates a sealant that protects the vehicle paint. Dealerships warranty this item, so if you should experience paint fading or clear coat damage, you should be able to return the vehicle to the dealership for repair.

Protection is Unnecessary and Expensive

  • Your vehicle's paint has been protected and sealed by the manufacturer. In addition, dealers charge a ridiculous amount of money for paint protection, costing them less than $50 for the wax and labor time to apply it. The dealer can charge whatever he wants for the protection, often hundreds of dollars. In addition, it is not likely you'll experience paint-fade or clear coat damage on covered problems.

Bottom Line

  • Do not buy paint protection from the dealer. Unless you are charged $50 or less for a warrantied application, the purchase is not worth it. You can buy your own and apply it at home. Dealers offer paint protection as an easy way to maximize profit.