A carbon fiber hood is a lightweight and stylish accessory. The hood itself has a webbed-metal appearance that many enjoy. However, with a coat of paint a new color may be added. Painting a carbon fiber hood also adds protection to the material and produces a new shine that admirers will appreciate. The process is no more involved than painting a regular metal hood, but different materials are used.
Rough sand the carbon fiber hood to remove any existing paint, sealers or clear coat using 600- to 1000-grit wet/dry metal sand paper.
Clean the hood and sanding residue from the hood with a sponge, water and soap. Rinse the hood clean and dry with a towel. Let the hood air dry for several hours. Once completely dry, move to Step 3.
Apply a layer of acrylic lacquer or clear coat sealant to the carbon fiber hood using a thick paint brush or spray can if you have one. Let the first coat completely dry for four hours (or as indicated on your product labeling).
Scrub the surface of the hood with a fine abrasive pad like a steel wool or scotch pad to knock down the surface and create a smooth, clean exterior. When finished, clean off the remaining sanding dust with a sponge and rinse the hood with water. Towel dry the surface.
Apply a final coat of the lacquer or clear coat as outlined in Step 3 to finish the surface.