Jeep Wranglers are already fierce-looking vehicles, but with nerf bars the Jeeps can become that much more stylish. You can install these step bars with a few tools and supplies. Installing nerf bars yourself can save you hundreds of dollars that a body shop would have charged you for the job. Before you install your nerf bars, go to an auto parts store and order the correct-length bars for your Jeep Wrangler; don't forget to pick up a mounting kit.
Locate the two body mount bolts on each side of your Jeep Wrangler. The front bolts are directly behind your front tire; the rear ones are directly in front of your rear tire.
Unscrew the mount bolts. Slide the steel nerf bar mount onto the bolt, then slide the thick rubber washer onto the bolt. Tighten the bolt back to the frame so the quick-attach nerf bar bolt hole is facing out under the vehicle. Do this to all four bolts.
Have a friend help you slide the nerf bar into the quick-attach holes on one side of the Jeep Wrangler at a time. Slide the bolts in the mounting kit through the nerf bar mount. Tighten the nuts on these bolts securely. Do this on both sides.