Acquiring a personalized license plate can be done in the same manner as obtaining a specialty license plate. Simply go to your county tax collector's office, request personalized license plate forms, complete them and be weeks away from driving with a personalized message for all on Mississippi roads to see. Read on to learn more.
Locate the nearest Mississippi county tax collector's office.
Present your vehicle's current registration and a valid identification card at the tax collector's office.
Request a personalized license plate form. Inform the tax collector if you are renewing your registration at the time of requesting personalized plates. The tax collector may give you different forms depending on whether your registration is due to be renewed or if you are requesting personalized plates in the middle of a current registration.
Fill out the required personalized license plate application forms. Include the information on your vehicle's current registration card and provide your personal information where applicable.
Write your chosen personalized license plate messages on the forms. Follow all rules on the form when creating personalized license plate messages. Give verbal or written explanations on the meanings of your personalized license plate messages, if requested.
Sign and date your personalized license plate application forms. Provide a valid mailing address located within the county in which you are applying.
Submit your completed forms to the tax collector. Inquire about the expected wait time for your personalized license plates. Ask about phone-based status inquiries.
Receive your personalized license plates. Switch out your current license plates for the new personalized license plates and use.