A turbo is a device that when added to the internal combustion engine increases the engine's horsepower. This is accomplished by forcing more air into the air-fuel mixture. This causes a more volatile combustion, leading to more torque or power.
A turbo can increase the power of a race car engine by up to seven times, according to Honeywell.com. A more reasonable expectation for the amount of horsepower that a turbo will add to your engine would be 100 percent, or a doubling of horsepower.
The turbocharged engine is more efficient because it burns more of the fuel. It does this because when more air is added to the air-fuel mixture, more of the fuel is burned or used. This equals more power with the same amount of fuel.
When the burning of the fuel is improved, as a result of the higher air concentration, the fuel becomes more combustible or explosive. This creates a more complete distribution of force against the piston, allowing for a smoother-running engine.