The Ford Mustang, also known as a "pony car,” is a sport-style coupe that has been in production in the United States since 1964. The newer generation of Ford Mustang, including the 2000 Ford Mustang, offers helpful keyless entry remote accessories that allow you to lock or unlock the doors of your vehicle without having to fiddle around with your car keys. Programming keyless entry remotes to your 2000 Ford Mustang is a simple process that takes only a few minutes.
Examine the backs of the keyless entry remotes for your 2000 Ford Mustang to ensure that they all share the same model number. This is particularly important if you did not obtain the keyless entry remotes directly from the Ford Motor Company.
Insert the key for your 2000 Ford Mustang into the ignition cylinder and turn it from the "Off" position to the "Run" position. Turn your key back and forth between the "Off" and "Run" positions eight times within 10 seconds.
Listen for the Mustang's locks to complete an unlocking and locking cycle, to confirm that you have successfully entered the vehicle's programming mode.
Press any button on the first keyless entry remote within 20 seconds of entering the programming mode. Listen for the locks to complete a locking and unlocking cycle to confirm that the first keyless entry remote has been programmed successfully. Repeat this step, as needed, to program additional keyless entry remotes for your 2000 Ford Mustang.
Turn the ignition to the "Off" position to complete the programming process. Note that the vehicle's locks will complete another locking and unlocking cycle to indicate that you are exiting the programming mode.