On a turbocharged car, it is a good idea to let the engine run at idle for a short time before the motor is turned off, particularly if the car has just been driven aggressively. Turbos produce a lot of heat and are cooled by the engine's oil supply. If the supply of oil is suddenly shut off, then the turbo as well as the oil supply can overheat, potentially causing damage to the turbo or shortening its lifespan. An Apexi turbo timer keeps the motor running for a short period after the ignition is shut off.
Disconnect the negative battery terminal to avoid causing any damage to the electrical system. Locate the wiring harness that goes to your car's ignition switch. This is located near or under your steering column and will usually be concealed by some type of trim. Consult your car's shop manual for the proper way to access the wiring harness.
Locate the wire on the wiring harness that goes to the constant 12V power source on your car. Use the manual to determine which wire this is. Cut the wire and splice in the red wire from the turbo timer into this wire, using either a soldering iron or an inline connector. Locate a wire on the harness that goes to a 12V ignition switched power source. This can be some type of accessory like the cigarette lighter. Cut this wire and splice in the green wire from the turbo timer with a soldering iron or an inline connector.
Locate the wires that go to the emergency brake switch. These should be located at the back of the emergency brake handle under some trim. Locate the wire that activates the emergency brake warning light. Cut the wire and splice in the white wire from the turbo timer. This will ensure that the car cannot be driven with the emergency brake disengaged, since it will turn off the turbo timer, preventing the car from being stolen or rolling away.
Locate a suitable ground for the black wire on the turbo timer. A ground is a metal surface, preferably somewhere inside the dashboard. The ground should be free of paint. Screw the wire to the ground with a round eyelet spliced to the end of the wire.
Mount the turbo timer in the interior. The Apexi timer is very small and can be mounted in a variety of places, using double-sided tape to secure it. Start the engine and then turn the ignition to the "OFF" position. The engine should stay idling for the preset amount of time, which is set with the buttons on the face of the turbo timer.