Having a keyless remote for your vehicle is a convenience for the vehicle owner. So, whether you lost the original or purchased additional keyless remotes for a Chevy Venture van, programming them to work with your particular vehicle does not require an expensive visit to the dealership.
Collect all remote keyless entry devices you wish to program. Purchase remotes on eBay, from a Chevy dealership or online if you need additional or replacement devices. Check that the remotes you purchase have matching styles in terms of number of buttons, the number (1, 2, 3 or 4) shown on the back, and whether there is a red horn button.
Remove the key from the ignition. Open the front passenger door and remove the BCMPRGM fuse. The fuse panel legend shows which fuse this is.
Close the doors, lift the gate and put the key in the ignition, then turn the ignition lock cylinder once toward you; not in the direction to start the engine. This puts the ignition lock cylinder in the ACC position. Quickly turn the ignition lock cylinder to the OFF position and then back to the ACC position. Do this turn in about one second.
Open and close a door; the driver's door is probably the easiest. A chime sounds denoting the system is in the programmable mode. Press and hold "Lock" and "Unlock" on the device at the same time for 14 seconds total or until you hear two chimes confirming successful programming. This erases all other remote codes and you now need to program any other keyless Chevy remotes you wish to use for this vehicle using the same steps.
Remove the key from the ignition lock cylinder once programming is completely finished and reinstall the BCMPRGM fuse.